My word is “change”

Q: What word could represent this year for you?


I’m choosing the word “change.”


Here are some of the changes we’ve experienced this year:



For those of you who have had teenagers…you know that there seems to be a year where your child changes massively.

This was Coleman’s year.

His body went from “little boy” to thinner and more defined.

His voice is dropping.

He’s more independent.

He is taking more responsibility for high grades.

He started his first job where he has a boss and has to manage his schedule.

He got his own credit card and set up direct deposit for his paychecks.

He passed me (slightly) in height.

His shoe size is growing.

He has experienced dramatic change this year.

And it’s fun! I like the teenage phase.



BYU finally got into an athletic conference.

We were sufficiently obsessed with this news!

And although the football season wasn’t as stellar as we wanted, it was exciting to experience the change of moving into the Big12.



My work changed a lot this year.

I have figured out how I enjoy working with my clients. I feel more aligned in the structure of my coaching relationships. I love what I do and I have created exactly what I want to have happen with work. That is so fulfilling.

I did a rebrand through Rebecca Peterson Studio and it was an incredible experience in creating my business identity.

I have more fully stepped into the person I want to be as a coach and business owner.

I will truly never be the same after having this introspective and creative experience.

Thank you for the chance to work with of you through coaching - whether it’s through this email or my social media or my private clients.

I love you!



I am open to the idea of dating a little bit.

This is a big change for me.

I enjoy my independence and haven’t had a desire to be in a new relationship.

I’m open to it now.

As Coleman is gone more and more, I think it would be nice to have someone to go to dinner with or to a movie.

I’m ready for a little more than just hanging out with Oreo and reading my book on weekend nights.

This is definitely a big change for me!



I went to Israel for the first time.

This might not seem like a change - I travel a lot, as you know.

But I went on this trip to create a change on a soul-level and that’s what I got.

My life will never be the same again.

My relationship with Jesus will never be the same again.

My understanding of spiritual things will never be the same again.



I am sorting through who I am when I’m not part of “JasonandKolette.”

Surprisingly, my rebrand work with Rebecca not only created a new look for my business, but it helped to formulate my personal identity as well.

For 27 years, Jason and I were always connected. A team.

I rarely thought about anything without filtering it through the “how will this affect Jason” lens.

From where shoes are left in the house to knowing when the medical aide was coming, our lives were very intertwined.


I’m figuring out what life looks like on my own.

It’s different and has felt pretty wobbly and unsure at times.

My rebrand was an unexpected experience in sorting out who I am and who I want to be.

As my website changed and my logo was created, I found myself stepping into the next iteration of myself, too.

I feel confident about the things I value and how I am intentionally creating the life I want.

It’s been a really impactful experience and I highly recommend it no matter where you are in life!



This is what has happened with my coaching clients as well.


Creating new life within the life they already have.

Becoming more intentional.

Living more closely with their values.

Dropping old habits in favor or new ones that are more aligned with who they want to be.

Feeling more confident. More loving. More of all the things they want.

Becoming who they want to be. But doing it now.


Thank you for the chance to see that and be a part of it.


2023 has been a year of change.

But I like it.

It’s my favorite word, actually.

I like knowing that we can always shift and adjust.

Possibilities will always exist.

Magic is always available when we have the chance to change.


Q: What word would you choose to describe this year?


What if your year was especially difficult?

Here’s a thought for you…

I invite you to look back with strength.

Choose a word that is empowering.

It might have been hard. But you still did it.

You’re still here.

There is great power in viewing yourself and your year from strength.

Because the word you choose to describe this year is how you will remember it.


Merry Christmas.

I’m so grateful for you and for the chance to change.


Sending love,



Unlock Fun 😱


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